8 habits of women who are great at saving moneyThere are so many ways that you can save money, but if you don’t save money now, you could end up being broke. This is why this article is for women to read on 8 habits of women who are great at saving money.

Saving money is a marathon race, that you need to keep running for you to save money, if you save money this month and you stop saving money, then you are wasting your time.

This article will focus on 8 habits of women who are great at saving money. If you also find it easier to save money, you can let us know your the saving habits that you practice, so that we can update our money-saving habits for women.


Most women are the one that determines what to buy or not at home, and without money savings habits, it can lead to financial embarrassment.

  • Budgeting

Budgeting is the bedrock of every great woman who is great at saving money. If you don’t have a budget then you can save money.

Most women write down their monthly budget in a piece of paper or their dairy but you can use your phone by downloading budgeting applications for your phone.

You can stick to the free application now, instead of wasting money on paid applications.

  • Stick to budget when shopping

Smart women stick to a budget when shopping and avoid impulse buying. Before going shopping, make sure that you write down what you need and you stick to your budget. Another habit of women who are great at saving money is for them to shop when there are discount sales which help them to reduce the money they spent on shopping and increase their savings.

  • Open a saving account

Another great way for saving money is that women open saving account and every month set aside money by transferring the money to their savings account.

The money could be set aside for emergency funds in case of emergency or investment funds. You can save money by directing your bank to set aside a few hundred dollars every day from your salary.

If you don’t save money and you have money that you don’t need, you would later spend the money on things that you don’t need.

  • Keep track of your spending

Money-saving tips that you can start practicing is for you to keep track of your spending, this helps you to know the actual amount of money you spend every month.

  • Find cheaper alternative

Another habit of women who are great at saving money is that they are looking for cheaper alternatives. When you keep track of your spending, you would discover that you are wasting money on products or services that you can find cheaper alternatives.

  • Make extra money every month

No matter where you are, you can still make extra money in your leisure time. Great women living in the USA can start teaching the English Language online using VIPKIDS. These help them to make extra money at the end of the day.

Another way of making extra money is for you to start blogging. Blogging gives you the opportunity for you to start making money. A lot of women have turned their blog into full-time jobs because the money they make every month is higher than their regular job income.

  • Stop borrowing money

When you save money regularly, you find it easier for you to stop borrowing money for emergency purposes.

Another habit of highly successful women is that they stick to their monthly income and won’t borrow money at all. You can start living cheap now and you discover that you don’t even need the loan in the first place.





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